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1790-1806 Day Gown – Cream Muslin

1790-1806 Day Gown – Cream Muslin

A Replica from the Bath Fashion Museum

I know there’s not much detail in these pages but hopefully even just the photos will give you an idea of some of the projects we’ve worked on.

This research was done for a client’s gown so we made our way upto Bath and booked a study session in to see 2 of these type of dresses – both day gowns and both muslin.

The outfit for the lady consisted of a pair of jumps, an under dress and the outer muslin gown. This isn’t her dress but a replica we did of the original to double check the techniques before we started on her gown.

There is something so simply sweet but real about muslin!

I want a beautiful and accurate historical costume made - HandBound Costumes

costume research into the georgian and regency fashion muslin gowns - replica costume by HandBound Costumeselizabeth bennet style dress 0 can you get bespoke costumes made