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Whalebone Stays: Who Wore Them?

Whalebone Stays: Who Wore Them?

WE ARE HAVING REAL PROBLEMS WITH THESE PAGES LOADING – to be able to read the discussion please click on the link here which, for now, will have to take you to our blog. Sorry about this!!!!

Who Wore Whalebone Stays?

We have discovered the reason why our ‘Who Wore Them’ posts aren’t loading Henry Morland -Laundry Maid Ironing 1785 - HandBound Costume research for bespoke historical and period clothing, Fully Boned Stays - who wore them, Evidence of working women wearing fully boned stays, underwear history in the 1700's, underwear and corsetry in the 18th centuryup and that is because, quite frankly, they’re just too big! The poor old website database can’t handle such jam-packed full studies and we are going to have to do the slightly annoying thing of dividing them into sections. – NOPE – for some reason it is still not accessing Part Three and Part Four 1st Half. We have no idea why this is happening and are looking into it – please bear with us while we get it sorted – for a viewing of the post please see our blog: handboundcostumes.blogspot.com

But on the bonus side of things this post can now appear in the Customer Library.

Beneath here are the links for each part of the post. The article was originally divided into the 5 following headings:
a) The Introduction.
b) Examples of Wealthy Women in their Stays.
c) Examples of Plebeian Women Not Wearing Stays.
d) Examples of Plebeian Women Wearing Stays and finally.
e) Examples of Images that are Unclear.

We’re hoping that mounting them onto seperate pages will solve the problem.


– Introduction.
Part Two: Images of Wealthy Women in Their Stays.
Part Three: Images of Plebeian Women NOT Wearing Stays.
Part Four: Images of Plebeian Women Wearing Stays – 1st Half.
Part Four: Images of Plebeian Women Wearing Stays – 2nd Half
Part Five: Images That Are Unclear