Re-enactment Groups:
If you’re interested in the costume you may well be interested in the action, so we thought we’d put a list of some of the Re-enactment groups we’ve bumped into on our small journey so far. We hope you find them useful!
– Histrenact website. The premier Reenactment website.
Contact details include:
– 0208 144 1022
– 07973193122
– Black Knight Historical is a company of Reenactors that cover multi-periods for educational purposes and functions. We met them at our very first Market (Onley Ground – National Living History Fayre). They do things like weddings, lectures, tours etc. Worth having a quick look at their website – click here for more info!
– The Mortimer History Society:
Follows the history of the these leading Earls in the power struggles of the Medieval period.
They also have a facebook account – click link here!
– The Medieval Combat Society. Otherwise known as ‘themcs’ this is a group that covers the 14th c. and specifically combat during the reign of Edward III of England. Check out their website by clicking here! And they also have a facebook page, so Click here!
The Tudors:
This reenactment group cover the Tudor period. Please check out their Facebook page – they’ve got some nice images.
– History Re-enactment Workshop. ‘Interpreting Tudor and Stuart Life’ is how they describe themselves and they look like they really get into their 16th and 17th c alternative lives. Seem like a good group – click here for more info on their website!
17th Century:
18th Century:
– New France Old England Reenactment Group.
– They have both a website and a facebook page so have a look – these guys look great! HandBound costumes met them at the Daily Mail History Festival.
– Lace Wars: the Society of Eighteenth Century Reenactment.
This group specializes in the period 1740-1760 and includes the Jacobite Rebellion.
They also have a Facebook Page: Click here!
– Augustus Rex – Eine Zeitreise ins 18.jhdt
We’ve just discovered this group on facebook in one of those mystical searches that happens when you start googling. We’re not quite sure who and what they do but they’re definitely 18th c! If anyone can update us on these guys that’d be great. If you’re interested in more then please click on the facebook link here: Facebook Link!
19th Century:
– The Ragged Victorians – these guys are great!!!! And a really lovely bunch of people – kind of interested in everything – especially your purse so watch out! massively suggest these guys as the alternative to a Reenactment group. They have a facebook page too…