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Some quick Images of a pair of stays…

A Client’s Pair of Stays…


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The two halves prepared.


The Original French Stays

Caught in a midst of trying to finish these stays off for a client, we thought while we had a coffee break to post up some of the photo’s we’ve taken of these Stays being made.

The client has chosen the most beautiful blend of colours – the grey and blues going wonderfully together. the original stays we’ve also popped in for you to see.

We’ll keep it brief though -the details of the particular stays are:


The German Original Pair

– Based on a blend of a German Pair of Stays and a French Pair (pictured)
– Fully Boned
– 100% Silk in a slate grey/blue
– Ribbon CF detail
– Extra decorative ribbon sewn onto panels as in original.
– CB opening
– High backed
– Strapped – with no tie options.

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The Back View

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The Lower back of Replica Pair

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Centre front panel – replica stays

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Close up of CF Ribbon detail

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Back views of both originals

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