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Our first course is up!

Brand New Course Created!

We know many have studied and are teaching the later part of the 18th century – but our study of mantuas – and our love for the first half of the 18th c has led us to create this course on how to cut and construct a 1730s mantua.

And there’ll be more – we aim to create a course looking at the mantua as a whole and how it developed throughout the 18th century. We’re also at the design stage of creating a similar course on the 1700s mantua and maybe even a 1750s-70s mantua….but this will need a hoop so hmmm…. this may need to then create a course on hoop making lol.

Ahhh the joys….

Here’s the link to the course: https://the-georgian-costume-study-centre.teachable.com/ so please pop over and check out the trailer for the course AND you can also sample each lesson and see what you think. 🙂

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