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1740’s Images

A Collection of Images from the 1740’s

Our computer is packed with images set in date order so that we could study the distinct and slow progress of the fashion.

Here is some of our images from the 1740’s section. It’s not all of them – that’d be ridiculous! But it’s enough to get you busy collecting for yourselves.

Comtesse Tessin – Nattier – 1741.

Artist Nattier images, 1740's fashion, Comtesse Tessin, Images of Goergian fashion, black bonnet tie with undercap, breast knot image, Research based made to measure costumes, lace frill at end of shift with possible gloves on, bespoke historical costumes, fur-trimmed cape, example of under pinner/cap. Custom made historical clothing, period costume made to measure, georgian costume



– Lace trimmed something or other under arm of cape.
– Red Fur-trimmed shoulder cape.
– Gold bow a.k.a ‘Breast Knot’ at bodice centre.
– White Undercap or Pinner -we’re never sure.
– Velvet looking Muff with fur trim.
– Her hair is unpowdered and natural.
– Black scarf tied about her head and under her chin.
– She is also possibly wearing silk gloves.

Mary Edwards by William Hogarth – 1742

Mary Edwards by William Hogarth - 1742, 1740's fashion, Comtesse Tessin, Images of Goergian fashion, black bonnet tie with undercap, breast knot image, Research based made to measure costumes, lace frill at end of shift with possible gloves on, bespoke historical costumes, fur-trimmed cape, example of under pinner/cap. Custom made historical clothing, period costume made to measure, georgian costume

Now, as far as we can tell with our research, this image was kind of painted in response to accusations that Mary Edwards was unfashionable so there’s two things we can take from this portrait.

That A) she was unfashionable and this portrait ends up proving it.

and that B) she is purposefully wearing fashionable clothes to combat the rumour.


– She is wearing a closed gown – possibly the centre join seen faintly running down the centre of her skirt. There are not many Closed gowns this side of the 50’s.
– She is wearing a cross. Again, this is actually highly unusual. We came across some characters wearing a cross in the ‘Prince James Stuart greeting his son Henry Benedict’ painting and have since kept our eyes out for images with crosses. So far, this is the only one that has turned up. In the case of the background characters from the James and Henry Painting we surmised they were catholic, the painting being from Italy, Jacobite and they had other different details to their dress. It is possible Mary Edwards was catholic or that she is displaying a fashion that isn’t much recorded or that it wasn’t fashionable and yet again she is unwittingly proving her unfashionableness.

The Months – 1749 – J.June:

– Please click on tthe months - engraving series by J.june - 1749 - january, handbound historical costume research, 1749 fashions and what was worn, the history of the hooped petticoat, who wore hoops - 18th c fashions, hand made and bepsoke historical costumes for sale, well researched reproduction costumes for sale,his link here to take you to this page that goes through the full 12 images and discusses their costumes. (Currently Being Worked On!) The Months Link!