The I.L.H.F Market
At Cressing Temple – Braintree
It has been a wonderful weekend. The market was fab and fun, and with lots and lots of great conversations about costumes…mmmm…costumes.
Thanks to everyone who came over for a chat and we’re going to include a few dodgy photos of me in my yellow dress serving in the most spectacular barn ever. The barns were built in the early 13th century and some of the central beams were like the size of a tree – a big old oak tree. It got us thinking in one conversation that if they were the original beams then we were looking at and hanging garments from something that must’ve been growing near to the time of William the Conquerer – absolutely amazing!!!
And it was lovely to catch up with Greenleaf Workshop, SJ Seamstress, The Seamly Woman, Peggy’s Neccesities, and the many others who we chatted to – see you all no doubt at the next market.
Our next event is the Dress like a Georgian day at Coleridge Cottage – Bank Holiday Weekend.