Various Paintings Studies:
There are many paintings out there that have a wealth of information on costumes, clothing and even attitudes, that were held towards those items of clothing. We have discovered that the more you look; the more you learn and sometimes just forcing oneself to list things from the image uncovers a great wealth of stuff previously missed. Using these studies as a total excuse, we’ve managed to glean quite a lot from the following paintings.
Needless to say that this is a page that is going to be permanently added to! But, currently, we have, on this Page, some Street Scene paintings, also a few studies on our Mr Wonderful, aka Paul Sandby and some of his drawings and watercolours (…coming soon…) and we’ve got a melee of other artists and paintings that we thought would be good to delve into – sleeves rolled up and everything!
We hope our Notes help you and are found to be useful at spotting stuff that could otherwise goes un-noticed.
The Paintings:
– James III Congratulating his Son Henry Benedict, Rome by Monaldi/Pubalacci – 1747

Sandby – 1759
– Cries of London by Paul Sandby
– The Gascoigne Family – Frances Hayman – c.1740
-S.Richardson and his Family – Hayman – 1740-41