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Studies of Paintings

Various Paintings Studies:

There are many paintings out there that have a wealth of information on costumes, clothing and even attitudes, that were held towards those items of clothing. We have discovered that the more you look; the more you learn and sometimes just forcing oneself to list things from the image uncovers a great wealth of stuff previously missed. Using these studies as a total excuse, we’ve managed to glean quite a lot from the following paintings.

Needless to say that this is a page that is going to be permanently added to! But, currently, we have, on this Page, some Street Scene paintings, also a few studies on our Mr Wonderful, aka Paul Sandby and some of his drawings and watercolours (…coming soon…) and we’ve got a melee of other artists and paintings that we thought would be good to delve into – sleeves rolled up and everything!

We hope our Notes help you and are found to be useful at spotting stuff that could otherwise goes un-noticed.

The Paintings:

The Old Pretender James III by Monaldi in July 1747, HandBound Costume research, Made to measure historical Costume, Jacobite clothing research, Eighteenth Century Historical Costume Research and bespoke garments, wide pannier dresses, robe a la francais and the wide side hoops, court wear for the mid 18th cent and 1747, Royalty and what they wore, close-up and details of paintings form the Georgian period, Costume in paintings from the eighteenth century, what the Georgians wore, Custom made 18th century costume, rococo dress,

Monaldi – 1747

 James III Congratulating his Son Henry Benedict, Rome by Monaldi/Pubalacci – 1747






Cries of London - Francis Wheatley - Milkmaid - 1793 -HandBound Research

Wheatley – 1793

Cries of London by Wheatley







Paul Sandby Cries of London - 1759, Sketches of working women, what working women wore, Practical garments, georgian undergarments, Pocket - english c.1745 - V&A based replica costume - HandBound Bespoke Historical Costumes, embroidered Pockets - english- mid 1700's - HandBound Costumes, Undergarments of the 18th century, what georgians wore under their dresses, the history of women's pockets, replica costume and clothing made to measure and based on original garmetns in museums, practical clothing of the 18th century, reproduction costumes for re-enactments and theatre productions, accurate reproduced historical costumes,

Sandby – 1759

Cries of London by Paul Sandby







Hayman -TheGasciogneFamily. c.1740 - HandBound

Gascoigne Family – c.1740

The Gascoigne Family – Frances Hayman – c.1740







 -S.Richardson and his Family – Hayman – 1740-41








the months - engraving series by J.june - 1749 - january, handbound historical costume research, 1749 fashions and what was worn, the history of the hooped petticoat, who wore hoops - 18th c fashions, hand made and bepsoke historical costumes for sale, well researched reproduction costumes for sale,

The Month – 1749

–  The Months by J.June – 1749