‘The Months’ – 1749
– This is a lovely example of the ‘light flowery silks’ that is mentioned in A.Buck’s book (see our Bibliograhy link her for her book ‘Dress in the 18th C. England‘) which she says comes into fashion during 40s. This is also a good example of the what we call here at HandBound the ‘mid range sacks’. In the early part of the century, the 20s and such the sacks were much, much looser, and seem to’ve been gathered right across the back. By the time they get to the 40s they have generally begun to be more restricted at the back to between the back neck facing section and tends to be in more of a pleat design and less loose gathers. Here in this image her neckline has a strange facing that goes onto the shoulders and is of a contrasting colour, but you can clearly see how loose those pleats are – a good example of how the pleat arrangements are still gathers and loose!
– Her back neck and shoulders seems to bizarrely by in a yellow band. None of the dresses that we’ve studied have the same piece covering the back neck and shoulders. All of them for this period so far have had their sleeves sewn on to the the topside of the lining so that’s visible and teh robings merely folded over it. We’ve always thought this strange as they set-in sleeves in the usual method for mens coats and we think it’s a possible throw back from the mantua gown and laced on sleeves. With this engraving, it’s not unlikely that this is merely a mistake on the person who filled in the engraving with paint but never say never and therefore has been logged in our minds as ‘interesting’.
– Her sleeves are also of the loose earlier style and end in a wing cuff with yellow braiding
– It’s probably just the way it’s been drawn but it does look like she has 2 petticoats on – which by the way are of a contrasting and matching yellow.
– She has yellow sleeve knots (basically bows on her sleeves but the term at the time was ‘Sleeve Knot’s’ – Cunnington ’64) and a matchin yellow ribbon at a very intriguing angle over her cap. The cap by the way is very similar to the May lady and we think it’s an early Mob cap (see our glossary for the debate on this) with frills on the edge of the lappets but it could also be what is termed a ‘Round eared cap’. We’ll get there one day in our understanding!
– Her hair is natural and in a kind of loose bun.
– She has frills at her neckline either from a Tucker or from her Shift and NO neck cloth.
– She wears red or pink shoes.
– And holds a fan.